Policy Documents

Lincolnshire County Council Admissions Policy for infant, junior and primary school 2023-2024

Lincolnshire County Council Admissions Policy for infant, junior and primary schools 2024-2025

Accessibility Plan

Attendance policy

Anti-Bullying policy

Behaviour Policy

Charging and Remissions Policy

Code of Conduct for Staff 

Code of Conduct for Governors

Code of Conduct for Parents

Complaints Policy

Data Protection Policy

Equality Act

Equality statement and aims 

Early Years Foundation Stage Policy

LCC School Child Protection Safeguarding Policy v18 – St Peter at Gowts CE Primary School

Lincolnshire Safeguarding Children Partnership Procedures

Little Learners Admissions Policy

Mental Health Policy

Online Safety policy 

School Filtering and Monitoring policy addendum

Social media policy 

Promoting children and young people’s emotional health and wellbeing

Safeguarding Policy Addendum Supporting Vulnerable Children not in School

School Uniform Policy

SPAG Privacy Notice Pupils

SPAG Privacy Notice Staff

SEND policy

St Peter at Gowts Church of England Primary School SEN information report

Working Together to Safeguard Children




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